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Divination with Tarot and I Ching

Tarot Since I was a teenager, I have been fascinated with divination. At first because it seemed so magical, and later in my development because it helped connect me to a larger universal awareness of mundane life.

Although I love astrology, my two other favorite modes of divination are the ancient Tarot and equally ancient I Ching. While the etymology of the word "tarot" can only be speculated on, some experts say it's of Arabian origin from the word for "deduction." This is a good word for the Tarot, because by reading the rich symbolism printed on the Tarot cards, you can immediately recognize what the cards are referring to in your present life, and will allow subconscious messages about your life to come out--oftentimes with great revelation. There are hundreds of types of Tarot decks, but the standard is the "Waite Deck" developed by Christian mystic and occultist Arthur Edward Waite in 1910.

With the I Ching (Chinese Book of Changes), the symbols are in the form of a hexagram, or six lines in a figure made up of solid or broken lines. The hexagrams are read from bottom to top grouping the lines in threes, so there are two parts to the hexagram. The most famous and most-used interpretive text book for the I Ching is by Richard Wilhelm (1950). To obtain or build the hexagrams the most common method is throwing three coins (pennies, usually) and noting which coins are "heads" and which are "tails" and assigning a numerical value to each. You then look up the hexagram you built for the messages, which invaribly are quite profound.

Divination is not about fortune-telling, which I feel is a misuse of these systems. Instead, these are systems to allow you to look into your own mind for meaning and greater connection to the world you have created.

Vibrant Living Tip: Order Beatrex Quntanna's Tarot: A Universal Language for an in depth and entertaining look at the 52 cards of the Tarot.

Pure Energy Rx formulas to assist with divination sessions:

Cosmic Eye Elixir -- Improves memory, and stimulates the "third eye" psychic center of the brain. For the serious meditator, this remarkable combination of energies provides an illuminating but stable foundation to work from. For the adventurous, the Cosmic Eye Elixir can be helpful in stimulating "out of body" experiences.